I discovered my enthusiasm for logic and software at a young age. My first applications marked the beginning of a journey that took me deep into the world of digital content, networks and security. Today, I use my extensive knowledge to develop innovative and customized solutions for my customers.
There are various reasons why you ended up here: you were simply curious, you currently have a need for a specific project or you have problems with your current platform. Whatever the reason, you may find what you're looking for in the brief overview.
I require expert technical advice for my digital platform.
I am looking to hire a skilled developer for my team or project.
I need an impartial third-party review for my project or strategic plan.
I am planning to migrate to a headless architecture and need guidance.
I aim to integrate headless products into my existing platform seamlessly.
I am looking for advice on selecting the right headless and composable technologies for my needs.
My platform is unstable, and I need to diagnose the root cause.
I aim to enhance the performance and speed of my web platform.
I need recommendations for scaling my infrastructure to handle increased traffic.
As an experienced full-stack developer, I create robust and scalable solutions for several business cases. My services include both backend and frontend development as well as optimization and consulting for new and existing platforms.
Whether you're starting fresh or enhancing existing software, I provide an unbiased, expert evaluation of your tech stack. Let's ensure it's built for performance and scalability from the ground up.
I can support you in transforming your business processes into functional, logical code. I specialise in development with modern technologies and frameworks such as PHP (e.g. with Symfony) or NodeJS (with frameworks such as NestJS).
Does your turnover depend on your website? I would be happy to help you find out how we can increase your conversion. I use technologies such as modern Javascript frameworks (e.g. Nuxt or Vue) or classic template engines such as Twig or Smarty.
I rely on proven technologies, tools and partners for a stable and secure infrastructure. I offer comprehensive solutions for your hosting, server management and DevOps requirements.
Administration and optimization of web servers (e.g. Nginx, Apache2), database management (SQL, NoSQL, key-value storages) or Cloudflare administration and management
Need your application containerized or virtualised, for scalable and modern applications? I offer you support for the whole process from scratch or simply the optimization of existing environments based e.g. on Docker.
Automated deployments, Continuous Integration and the management of development-processes are the most important things to bring up scalable and stable applications. I offer you several services based e.g. on GitLab CI/CD.
There are many great softwares, frameworks and coding-languages out there, which i used in my past. Here is a selection of my best known and i am most comfortable with. In case you does not find your requirements here, don't worry. Over the last 10 years i got in touch with many more of them.
Turning a hobby into a career is always associated with risks: the possibility of financial instability, the pressure to monetize something once enjoyed purely for pleasure, and the potential loss of the passion that originally fueled the hobby. However, I have managed to maintain my passion successfully for over 15 years.
Consultant and Fullstack Developer - Marx Digital
Creating digital platforms and advising customers on topics such as technology or platform architecture.
Operative Technical Consultant - SHOPMACHER eCommerce GmbH & Co. KG
Lead position with technical and personnel responsibility for the development team of a big german soccer club. Technical consulting for several projects and customers.
Software Developer - SHOPMACHER eCommerce GmbH & Co. KG
Developing eCommerce platforms based on Shopware and OXID in an agile development team.
Apprenticeship as Developer - SHOPMACHER eCommerce GmbH & Co. KG
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